SNSM Presentation

A small group of committee members met on 14 September to present a cheque to the SNSM, the Anglophone chosen charity for 2019/20. The sum of 1500 € represents the result of fund-raising since the 2019 AGM, principally at the Fete Nationale event on 14 July, the Christmas lunch and charity lunch in February.

The weather was beautiful and the views of the sea were fantastic as we met in the ‘vigie’, the lifeguards’ look-out point. The President of SNSM Agon-Coutainville explained that the money would go towards the new lifeboat, that was expected in 2021, and towards the extension of the premises. The new lifeboat will be the first example in France of a new model of boat.

It was then of course time for a vin d’honneur, and we spent an enjoyable half hour exchanging with the SNSM volunteers. They hope to be able to invite us to the launch of the new boat.